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There is life in The Oliverse™
There are a myriad of appetizers in the pantheon of cuisine. Each of them has its own niche and adherents. The goal of each is to enhance both the flavor of food and the appetite. Dan Guttman dreamed about developing a universal appetizer that was both nutritious and delicious and that would enhance just about any dish. And so he created Oliverse™.
Is Oliverse™ really Oliversatile for both retail and food service?
Let us count the ways!
Oliverse™ arguably makes the best and easiest, tuna salad you’ve ever had. Just take a can of ordinary tunafish, add a little mayonnaise and a couple of tablespoons of Oliverse for a scrumptious salad that has some texture and crunch. Use the Oliverse™ spicy version if you want a little bit more kick to your salad. But don’t stop there. Oliverse™ can transform a pedestrian pasta sauce into Pasta Primavera or Diavolo with a bit of crunch and/or spice, according to your preference. Do you love pizza? Try adding a tablespoon or two of Oliverse ™ to your favorite pizza slice for an upgraded dining experience. Do you find hummus too bland? A small amount of Oliverse ™ makes hummus, much more exciting and palatable on a cracker, pita, or chip.. Adding Oliverse ™ to any fish dish takes the piscatory experience to new heights. Pedestrian cooked vegetables, from broccoli, to beans to carrots, love their encounter with Oliverse and so will you, your family and customers. Use your endless imagination.
Oliverse ™ has been taste-tested in one of the top restaurants in NJ on their special menu. That is why we like to say,